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Confined magnetism in nano-patterned CrGeTe3, A. Noah, Y. Zur, N. Fridman, S. Singh, A. Gutfreund, E. Herrera Vasco, A. Vakahi, S. Remennik, M. Huber, S. Gazit, H. Suderow, H. Steinberg, O. Millo and Y. Anahory. Accepted to ACS Applied Nano Materials.

Thickness mapping and layer number identification of exfoliated van der Waals materials by Fourier imaging micro-ellipsometry, R. Kenaz, S. Ghosh, P. Ramachandran, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, H. Steinberg and R. Rapaport, ACS Nano 17, 9188 (2023).

Chip-integrated vortex-braiding, I. Keren, A. Gutfreund, A. Noah, A. Di Bernardo, H. Steinberg and Y. Anahory, Nano Letters 23, 4669 (2023).

Kondo effect in defect-bound quantum-dots coupled to NbSe2, T. R. Devidas, T. Dvir, E. Rossi and H. Steinberg, Physical Review B 107, 094502 (2023).


Tunneling spectroscopy of few-monolayer NbSe2 in high magnetic field: triplet and multi-pocket superconductivity, and Ising protection, M. Kuzmanović, T. Dvir, D. LeBoeuf, S. Ilić, M. Haim, D. Möckli, S. Kramer. M. Khodas, M. Houzet, J. S. Meyer, M. Aprili, H. Steinberg and. C. H. L. Quay, Physical Review B 106, 184514 (2022).

Transmission-electron-microscopy-generated atomic-defects in two-dimensional nanosheets and their integration in devices for electronic and optical sensing, M. Quincke, T. Lehnert, I. Keren, N. M. Badlyan, F. Port, M. Goncalves, M. J. Mohn, J. Maultzsch, H. Steinberg, and U. Kaiser, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 5, 8, 11429 (2022).

Tunable exchange bias in the magnetic Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2S2,  A. Noah, P. Toric, T. Feld, G. Zisman, A. Gutfreund, D. Tsruya, T. R. Devidas, H. Alpern, A. Vakahi, H. Steinberg, M. E. Huber, J. G. Anayltis, S. Gazit, E. Lachman and Y. Anahory, Physical Review B 105, 144423 (2022).

Interior and edge magnetization in thin exfoliated CrGeTe3 films, A. Noah, H. Alpern, S. Singh, A. Gutfreund, G. Zisman, T. Feld, A. Vakahi, S. Remennik, Y. Paltiel, M. Huber, V. Barrena, H. Suderow, H. Steinberg, O. Millo and Y. Anahory, Nano Letters, 22, 3165 (2022).

Positron charge sensing using a double-gated graphene field-effect transistor. Paz Or, T. R. Devidas, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Iris Sabo-Napadesky, Sharon May-Tal Beck, Guy Ron, and Hadar Steinberg. Review of Scientific Instruments (2022).


Spectroscopy of NbSe2 Using Energy-Tunable Defect-Embedded Quantum Dots.  T. R. Devidas, I.Keren and H.Steinberg. Nano Letters (2021).

Planar graphene-NbSe 2 Josephson junctions in a parallel magnetic field. T. Dvir, A. Zalic, E. Holm Fyhn, M. Amundsen, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, J. Linder, and H. Steinberg. Physical Review B, 103(11), 115401 (2021).


Quantum Phase Transitions of Trilayer Excitons in Atomically Thin Heterostructures. Y. Slobodkin, Y. Mazuz-Harpaz, S. Refaely-Abramson, S. Gazit, H. Steinberg, and RץRapaport. Physical Review Letters, 125(25), 255301. (2020).

Combined Zeeman and orbital effect on the Josephson effect in rippled graphene. E. Holm Fyhn, M. Amundsen, A. Zalic, T. Dvir, H. Steinberg, and J. Linder. Physical Review B, 102(2), 024510. (2020)

Quantum-Dot Assisted Spectroscopy of Degeneracy-Lifted Landau Levels in Graphene. I. Keren, T. Dvir, A. Zalic, A. Iluz, D. LeBoeuf, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi,and H Steinberg.  Nat Commun 11, 3408 (2020).

arXiv: 2006.09812



Zeeman Tunability of Andreev Bound States in van der Waals Tunnel Barriers. T. Dvir, M. Aprili, C. H. L. Quay, and H. Steinberg. Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 217003 (2019).

arXiv:1906.01215 (2019).


Ultrafast twin-peak rogue waves in a vector field, A. Klein, S. Shahal, G. Masri, H. Doadi, K. Sulimany, O. Lib, H. Steinberg, S. A. Kolpakov, M. Fridman. OSA Continuum 2(11), 3102 (2019).

Observation of 2D semiconductor p-type dark-exciton lifetime using two-photon ultrafast spectroscopy, D. Panna, K. Balasubramanian, K. Jayakrishan, L. Ribak, Y. Slobodkin, H. Steinberg, A. Hayat. Optics Express 27 (23), 33427 (2019).

FeTe0.55Se0.45 van der Waals tunneling devices. A. Zalic, S. Simon, S. Remennik, A. Vakahi, G. D. Gu, and H. Steinberg. Phys. Rev. B 100, 064517 (2019).

Magnetic-related States and Order Parameter Induced in a Conventional Superconductor by Nonmagnetic Chiral Molecules. H. Alpern, K. Yavilberg, T. Dvir, N. Sukenik, M. Klang, S. Yochelis, H. Cohen, E. Grosfeld, H. Steinberg, Y. Paltiel, and O. Millo. Nano Lett.,19, 8, 5167-5175 (2019).

Superconductivity in twisted graphene NbSe2 heterostructures. Y. S. Gani, H. Steinberg, and E. Rossi. Phys. Rev. B 99, 235404 (2019).


Tunneling into the vortex state of NbSe2 with van der Waals junctions. T. Dvir, M. Aprili, C. H. L. Quay, H. Steinberg. Nano Letters 18 (12): 7845–50 (2018).

arXiv:1809.01869 (2018).

Crystallographic orientation errors in mechanical exfoliation. Y. Kolumbus, A. Zalic, N. Fardian-Melamed, Z. Barkay, D. Rotem, D. Porath, and H. Steinberg. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 30 475704 (2018).

Graphene-based positron charge sensor. P. Or, D.Dribin, T. R. Devidas, A.Zalic, K.Watanabe, T.Taniguchi, S.May-Tal Beck, G.Ron, H.Steinberg. Applied Physics Letters 113, 154101 (2018).

Bidirectional Soliton Rain Dynamics Induced by Casimir-Like Interactions in a Graphene Mode-Locked Fiber Laser. K. Sulimany, O. Lib, G. Masri, A. Klein, M. Fridman, P. Grelu, O. Gat, and H. Steinberg.Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 133902 (2018).

Ultrafast rogue wave patterns in fiber lasers. A. Klein, G. Masri, H. Duadi, K. Sulimany, O. Lib, H. Steinberg, Stanislav A. Kolpakov, M. Fridman, Optica 5(7), 774 (2018).

Spectroscopy of bulk and few-layer superconducting NbSe2 with van der Waals tunnel junctions. T. Dvir, F. Massee, L. Attias, M. Khodas, M. Aprili, C. H. L. Quay, H. Steinberg, Nature Communications 9, 598 (2018)


High-density carriers at a strongly coupled interface between graphene and a three-dimensional topological insulator. A. Zalic, T. Dvir, H. Steinberg. Physical Review B 96, 075104 (2017).


Tunneling in graphene-topological insulator hybrid devices. H. Steinberg, L. A. Orona, V. Fatemi, J. D. Sanchez-Yamagishi, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, P. Jarillo-Herrero. Physical Review B 92, 241409 (2015).

2008 - 2011

Electrically tunable surface-to-bulk coherent coupling in topological insulator thin films. H. Steinberg, J.-B. Laloë, V. Fatemi, J.-S. Moodera & P. Jarillo-Herrero. Physical Review B 84, 233101 (2011).

Surface State Transport and Ambipolar Electric Field Effect in Bi2Se3 Nanodevices. H. Steinberg, D. Gardner, Y. Lee & P. Jarillo-Herrero. Nano Letters 10, 5032-5036 (2010).


Interacting electrons in one dimension beyond the Luttinger-liquid limit. G. Barak, H. Steinberg, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. West, L. Glazman, F. Oppen & A. Yacoby. Nature Physics 6, 489-493 (2010).


Electrical Current Switching in Single CdSe Nanorods. H. Steinberg, O. Wolf, A. Faust, A. Salant, Y. Lilach, O. Millo & U. Banin. Nano Letters 10, 2416-2420 (2010).


Anomalous Temperature Dependent Transport through Single Colloidal Nanorods Strongly Coupled to Metallic Leads. H. Steinberg, Y. Lilach, A. Salant, O. Wolf, A. Faust, O. Millo & U. Banin. Nano Letters 9, 3671-3675 (2009).


Charge fractionalization in quantum wires. H. Steinberg, G. Barak, A. Yacoby, L. Pfeiffer, K. West, B. Halperin & K. Le Hur. Nature Physics 4, 116-119 (2008).

© 2018 Hadar Steinberg Lab

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